Monthly Archives: July 2013

Are you ready to harvest?

In our newest Beanflows 1.6.0 release we’ve added new bean status ‚Ready’.

As you know bean statuses represent the stages of the process of outcome achievement: sowing, growing, shaping, maturing, and harvesting. This new addition allows you to fine tune the final stages of bean life – harvesting a bean. It was Done-Archived sequence before, now is Ready-Done-Archived.

menu with ready status

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Version 1.6.0 MAS & Non-MAS

New bean status „Ready”

We’ve added new bean status ‚Ready’.

As you know bean statuses represent the stages of the process of outcome achievement: sowing, growing, shaping, maturing, and harvesting. This new addition allows you to fine tune the final stages of bean life – harvesting a bean. It was Done-Archived sequence before, now is Ready-Done-Archived. Continue reading